First Meetings

Preparing for For Meeting #2

After Meeting #1, I added assignments for Class #2 to this page. The assignments for the first meeting are still down below these new ones, and we can talk about any of the materials for either class in our second meeting.

Don't forget: At the bottom of the page is the form for submitting your questions and comments. Please submit questions for Monday by the end of the Day Saturday, in order to give me time to post them and do a little research to help me answer them.

Student questions for discussion in next class

Following are questions from students either during or since our first class on September 14. 

The very first question from Meeting #1:

Student Question: "Tidal friction pushed the moon farther from Earth..." How does that work?

Read this:

Student Question: I was an English major in college, and I loved the Romantic poets.  Two words--Nature and Imagination--were very big in my mind.  Now I have turned to science, but the words seem bigger that my current ones.  In particular, help me define Imagination so I can use it in science.

Student Question: Cosmic Distance Introduction video: How does knowing the distance from Earth to Venus help scientists calculate an AU?



Assignments for Meeing #2

Useful background topics for Cosmos: Possible Worlds

As you pursue the following subjects, jot down your questions and comments. Submit them using the form at bottom of this page, or ask them in class when we are discussing related material. Don't worry if you run into concepts that are difficult for you. My role is to help you understand more, and that's a pleasure because I end up understanding more myself. (I have already learned something new from pursuing the first class question above.)

1. What is Science?
At One Culture, read "What is Science?"

2. Measuring the Cosmos
Watch videos at How Scientists Know: Cosmic Distances

3. Some Basic Ideas in Biology
Watch videos at How Scientists Know: Genes

Thanks for all questions and comments !

See you Monday 21 September at 9:30 AM. Remember there is a NEW LINK for the remaining classes. Check the email message that led you here.


See the NEW PAGE listed at left: How Can I Watch Cosmos ?

I will update that page any time that new possibilities arise. Help me keep it up to date.


Previous Assignments

If you did not get a chance to look at these resources before Class #1, try to peruse them before the second class.

Preparing For Class #1

From Cosmos: A Personal Voyage (Carl Sagan, PBS, 1980)

Full series available HERE.

Episode 1, with a prelude in which Ann Druyan looks back at the series 20 years later.

Famous Excerpts from Cosmos: A Personal Voyage

The Pale Blue Dot

Carl Sagan talks about evolution

Excerpt: Evolution in 40 s


From Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey (Neil deGrasse Tyson, National Geographic/FOX, 2014)

Episode 1: Standing Up in the Milky Way

Full series available HERE.


Meeting #3, Monday September 28, 9:30 AM

Before this meeting, see Episode 1. Ladder to the Stars