3. Lost City of Life

Galaxies make stars, stars make worlds, and for all we know, planets and moons make life. Does that make life less wondrous?

Or more?


Questions for Discussion

Your questions and comments appear here, in the order received.

These questions received by 7:30 PM Sunday 11 October?

• What is serpentinization? What is the reason for olivine?

Recommending a SciFi trilogy by Harry Harrison (The Eden Trilogy) based on dinosaurs not dying out but becoming quite sophisticated and almost exterminating a developing mankind. First in series published in 1984. Parallel universe concept where "that" Earth was not struck by a Cretaceous asteroid.

• I never heard of olivine - did I miss a memo?

• Where did the cyanobacteria come from?

• What precipitated the Cambrian Explosion and how long did it last?

• I think we are not alone.

• Jury is still out on the "Cambrian Explosion". Most "theories about how and why it happened are just that and unfortunately almost impossible to validate.

• Is olivine any more responsible than interstellar seeding by accident or design?

• Why do scientists think that the presence of olivine signals the possibility of life?

• I just started reading a book entitled "The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking) by Katie Mack. It is quite entertaining.

• How is that we know all this 'stuff' about that Lost City that Neil was talking about?  How could the pros figure out all that detail from so far away?



Miscellaneous Resources

• Minerals in 3D: Structures of olivine and related minerals


• What is a rock? What is a mineral?


• What is an element? What is a compound?

• Can order arise from disorder? Happens all the time.

• Check out this challenging poem on the subject.
